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Pasternak Findings is committed to top quality gold jewelry findings and jewelry making supplies, providing designers with the most up-to-date and on-trend materials including Leather Cords, Cotton Cords, Rubber Cords and more.

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Изображение 2mm Nappa Leather Cord

2mm Nappa Leather Cord

3mm Nappa Leather Cord

3mm Round Nappa Leather Cord

Изображение 5mm Round  Nappa Leather Cord

5mm Round Nappa Leather Cord

Изображение Elastic Naylon-50 meter

Elastic Naylon-50 meter

Изображение Red Rubber-Heart Design

Red Rubber-Heart Design

2mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

2mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

2mm Stitch Leather Cord-2 meter

2mm Stitch Leather Cord-2 meter

3mm Habotai Foulard Cord-5 Meter

3mm Habotai Foulard Cord-5 Meter

Изображение 5mm Round Leather Cord

5mm Round Leather Cord

Изображение Box For Bracelet

Box For Bracelet

French Gold Plated

French Gold Plated

Jewelry Silk Cord Amethyst

Jewelry Silk Cord Amethyst

Round Rubber Cord Black

Round Rubber Cord Black

3mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

3mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

Black Rectangle Rubber Cord

Black Rectangle Rubber Cord

Cleeper with Retainer-1.2mm

Cleeper with Retainer-1.2mm

Jewelry Silk Cord Black

Jewelry Silk Cord Black

0.5mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

0.5mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

Half Round Rubber Cord-Black

Half Round Rubber Cord-Black

Hard wire Cutter-2mm

Hard wire Cutter-2mm

Jewelry Silk Cord Coral Red

Jewelry Silk Cord Coral Red

0.7mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

0.7mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

Jewelry Silk Cord Dark Blue

Jewelry Silk Cord Dark Blue

Micro Crimper

Micro Crimper

Изображение Square Rubber Cord

Square Rubber Cord

1 Step Crimper

1 Step Crimper

1.5mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

1.5mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

Jewelry Silk Cord Garnet

Jewelry Silk Cord Garnet

1mm Linen Cord-10 Meter

1mm Linen Cord-10 Meter

Chain Nose Pliers

Chain Nose Pliers

Jewelry Silk Cord Green

Jewelry Silk Cord Green

1mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

1mm Waxed Cotton Cord-10 Meter

Flat Nose Pliers

Flat Nose Pliers

Jewelry Silk Cord Grey

Jewelry Silk Cord Grey

3.5mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

3.5mm Cotton Strip-3 Meter

Jewelry Silk Cord Light Pink

Jewelry Silk Cord Light Pink

Round Nose Pliers

Round Nose Pliers

2mm Cotton Braided Cord-5 Meter

2mm Cotton Braided Cord-5 Meter

Jewelry Silk Cord-White

Jewelry Silk Cord-White

Scissors for Pearl

Scissors for Pearl

1mm Round Leather Cord-3 Meter

1mm Round Leather Cord-3 Meter

2mm Round Leather Cord-2 meter

2mm Round Leather Cord-2 meter

3.5x3.5cm Engagement Jewelry Box

3.5x3.5cm Engagement Jewelry Wood Box

3mm Cotton Braided Cord-5 Meter

3mm Cotton Braided Cord-5 Meter

3mm Round Leather Cord

3mm Round Leather Cord

4mm Round Leather Cord

4mm Round Leather Cord

5x5cm Wedding Ring Box

5x5cm Wedding Ring Box

Jewelry Glue

Jewelry Glue

Polishing Cloth

Polishing Cloth

Side Cutter

Side Cutter

This findings gallery exhibits a large selection of materials and accessories for stringing and beading. We offer you all kinds of cords by feet (leather cord, rubber cord, silk cord and waxed cotton cord) in various shapes (round, half round, braided, rectangle and square).
Also in this gallery a selection of pearls and stones stringing accessories, as beading needles, spiral wire, metal French wire, silk bead cord, spools of steel and nylon cable wires and even plastic organizer box and bead bords.

MARKET PRICES AS OF 18.07.2024:   GOLD 2656| PLATINUM 990 | SILVER 31.82

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